
Thursday 22 September 2011


I have been working on this ALL of today, and, if you look at what time this was posted - you can see I've been up for MOST of the night working on this. In the end, I had no time to add the cameras, which will prove costly as it would have benefited me more, and thus likely increase my mark. I have just made sure that it runs smoothly, and overall, I am happy with the result. Goodnight, I'm going.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Animation Nearly Done!

So for the past couple of days, I have been working extremely hard to get the animation done. I'm about 3/4 done, however I realised I could make it better by adding cameras.... ONE PROBLEM. Will I have enough time to add in the cameras? Since it can take a while to do so. If I don't have enough time I won't bother, but to be fair I think it looks good as it is. I will update this tomorrow as I'm in college all day so hopefully I'll be able to finish it. Bye for now :)

Thursday 15 September 2011

FOUND My Memory Stick....Panic Over! :D

After finishing some more sketchbook work, I went home and decided to continue looking for my memory stick. I finally found it after a few minutes, I can now take it into college and finish it there, so overall I am happy. Tonight i've been sticking in more images and now i'm going to do a little more work.

A VERY Frustrating Day!

Today I was planning to continue with my animation at college, however I seem to have lost my memory stick somewhere, (most likely at home) which means I can't continue it until I find it, HOWEVER I remembered to back it up on my laptop, so I can continue it when I go home. In the meantime I will do some of my sketchbook work, so all is not lost...

Tuesday 13 September 2011

I'm Getting There!

As I said that I will continue to update my blog DAILY, I am living up to it. Today my tutor helped me to improve my animation, he suggested I record my voices again by using a professional microphone, I did this with incredible results. Now I am re-syncing my animation with the voices again and making sure I don't go wrong. I aim to have it half finished by tomorrow night. Will update this tomorrow.

Monday 12 September 2011

One More Day!

Greetings, I woke up early today to carry on with my animation. I was very annoyed that i couldn't get it to work for me or it kept crashing, but for now, i'll keep it simple. When I get back to college I'll add the cameras and ask for help in improving :) Will post later to keep up to date. Tchau!

Sunday 11 September 2011

It's that time of the week again?

Hello, this week has been a bit hectic, however i'm happy to say my animation has been started, my script is out the way, and i'm ready to add it to my animation. Overall i'm annoyed at how I sound in my script, however i'm pleased that it is out of the way. To make my animation interesting (as my voice isn't very exciting) i've had to include images that are relevant with the text and my voice. I go back to college on tuesday (can't wait). Since it won't be long before I go back, I will update my blog EVERY DAY from now. As progress needs to be monitored. Anyway wish me luck, I hope I can finish this.

Monday 5 September 2011

Sorry about this... Posted this one day late

Last week has been so busy, i've not managed to get on my laptop and so i forgot to post last night. So today this is a short post on what i've been doing, which is putting the scripts onto my animation and starting to sync the typography with the words. I aim to FINISH the animation by sunday this week, and hopefully i can report that my animation is done on that day. Over the week I'll be posting any more research I find. Tchau (bye).