

Welcome to my Portfolio Page. This is where you can browse and find some of my own work.

This is a design i've made from using standard font. I changed this to make it more "apocolyptic" themed, as the word spells apocolypse.

This is a design made on Adobe Photoshop. This was created by four separate images combined together, the hue/saturation option in Photoshop changes the colours and makes it more colourful. Here i've made it darker so each image combines together to make the street look like a tidal wave has hit the street.

This was designed in Adobe Photoshop. I thought i'd put this on as it looks effective at showing the text as being filled up with water.
 This is a design i made in Adobe Illustrator. I created this by going over an image of a little girl with a lollipop. The hair was made by brushes and different stroke sizes.

This is a scanned image of a drawing i've done of a street with lots of buildings. It is to demonstrate an example of a two point perspective view. 
This design was made in Adobe Illustrator, it was created by reflecting the whole image, since i created it by covering up half of the image, then i reflected it, which makes it look like it has been mirrored.

This is a character i've designed in Adobe Illustrator. I made this mostly from using simple shapes like squares and circles.
This is another character i've designed in Adobe Illustrator. This was made using simple shapes like squares and circles, however i needed to use the pen tool to create the hands and the hair.
This is a poster i've designed in Adobe Illustrator. I made it mostly using the pen tool as it was hard to put each image together to make a professional design. The font was standard however the words 'Yes' and '£10' were made by the pen tool. I wanted to make these words stand out and be unique so i used the pen tool for that purpose.