
Thursday 22 September 2011


I have been working on this ALL of today, and, if you look at what time this was posted - you can see I've been up for MOST of the night working on this. In the end, I had no time to add the cameras, which will prove costly as it would have benefited me more, and thus likely increase my mark. I have just made sure that it runs smoothly, and overall, I am happy with the result. Goodnight, I'm going.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Animation Nearly Done!

So for the past couple of days, I have been working extremely hard to get the animation done. I'm about 3/4 done, however I realised I could make it better by adding cameras.... ONE PROBLEM. Will I have enough time to add in the cameras? Since it can take a while to do so. If I don't have enough time I won't bother, but to be fair I think it looks good as it is. I will update this tomorrow as I'm in college all day so hopefully I'll be able to finish it. Bye for now :)

Thursday 15 September 2011

FOUND My Memory Stick....Panic Over! :D

After finishing some more sketchbook work, I went home and decided to continue looking for my memory stick. I finally found it after a few minutes, I can now take it into college and finish it there, so overall I am happy. Tonight i've been sticking in more images and now i'm going to do a little more work.

A VERY Frustrating Day!

Today I was planning to continue with my animation at college, however I seem to have lost my memory stick somewhere, (most likely at home) which means I can't continue it until I find it, HOWEVER I remembered to back it up on my laptop, so I can continue it when I go home. In the meantime I will do some of my sketchbook work, so all is not lost...

Tuesday 13 September 2011

I'm Getting There!

As I said that I will continue to update my blog DAILY, I am living up to it. Today my tutor helped me to improve my animation, he suggested I record my voices again by using a professional microphone, I did this with incredible results. Now I am re-syncing my animation with the voices again and making sure I don't go wrong. I aim to have it half finished by tomorrow night. Will update this tomorrow.

Monday 12 September 2011

One More Day!

Greetings, I woke up early today to carry on with my animation. I was very annoyed that i couldn't get it to work for me or it kept crashing, but for now, i'll keep it simple. When I get back to college I'll add the cameras and ask for help in improving :) Will post later to keep up to date. Tchau!

Sunday 11 September 2011

It's that time of the week again?

Hello, this week has been a bit hectic, however i'm happy to say my animation has been started, my script is out the way, and i'm ready to add it to my animation. Overall i'm annoyed at how I sound in my script, however i'm pleased that it is out of the way. To make my animation interesting (as my voice isn't very exciting) i've had to include images that are relevant with the text and my voice. I go back to college on tuesday (can't wait). Since it won't be long before I go back, I will update my blog EVERY DAY from now. As progress needs to be monitored. Anyway wish me luck, I hope I can finish this.

Monday 5 September 2011

Sorry about this... Posted this one day late

Last week has been so busy, i've not managed to get on my laptop and so i forgot to post last night. So today this is a short post on what i've been doing, which is putting the scripts onto my animation and starting to sync the typography with the words. I aim to FINISH the animation by sunday this week, and hopefully i can report that my animation is done on that day. Over the week I'll be posting any more research I find. Tchau (bye).

Sunday 28 August 2011

Another Weekly Blogpost...

this week i have been really busy and so i haven't had much time to do my animation, however I will make sure I get more done over next week.

Another Weekly Blogpost...

this week i have been really busy and so i haven't had much time to do my animation, however I will make sure I get more done over next week.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Finishing off my sketchook

Since time is not on my side, i've resorted to spending the evening cracking on with work, i'm aiming to finish MOST of my animation by this week, apart from that, things are going well. This project has taught me to not slack off and leave it all to the last minute, as I'm not going to let that happen.

Anyway, the next post is going to be a little more research, but tonight i'm mainly going to be printing off research, sticking it in and annotating.

Sunday 14 August 2011

A Little Bit Of Research...

After researching identity, I searched in 'national identity definition' in google images and it came up with this image. Even though it is nothing special, I felt it would be good to include this with my research since it has some revelance with my project.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Another Weekly Blogpost!

Since Time is slipping away, I have been cautious about my free time. So i've began finding more research, just to top it off. I have been experimenting with Adobe After Effects, as this is the required program needed for my animation. I will post some of my illustrations made at home or from college. Also I have been trying to find people willing to let me use their voice for my animation, as I have written my script and I require voices for my animation. Next week I will be working Monday-Friday, just to ensure I keep up to date with work, and stop any more stress :)

Sunday 31 July 2011

Another short post..

Once again with the week flying by, i thought i'd post that my sketchbook is nearly done with research, however i want as much research as possible, so i will fill it up more :)

Sunday 24 July 2011

Good week so far :)

This weeks post is only a short one to say my sketchbook is starting to fill up well :) I've started from sketching ideas for my animation, as well as definitons of the word identity and what they mean to me. It's all looking good so far.

Sunday 17 July 2011

FINAL bit of research (for now) :)

After struggling to find this video on youtube, I managed to get hold of it another way. Again this video answers many of the questions I need to get hold of the identity definition.

Even More Research :)

After trying to find a video on different views of identity from different backgrounds, I came across this video. The video was filmed in Norway and was answered by different races, I felt this was important to include this as it asks different races of their opinions of what identity means to them, the video also answers a few more parts of the identity definition, since the word identity itself has a lot of meanings. Also this video answers the questions I need for my animation.

More research :)

Here is another kinectic typography animation which is benefitial in my research. This animation is simple but it gets the message across. However if I ever produced an animation like this, I would need a considerable amount of information and choice in font, colours, animation effects etc. This animation helps me decide what effects to use from a simplistic view.

Research :)

Here is one of the many inspirations that I've enjoyed watching to gain ideas. Personally it would be very difficult to imitate this animation since it takes a lot of skill, however I have chosen this as research since I can show how effective animations can come across, in particular the effectiveness of combining animation with text and audio.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Had a Busy & Socialable Week

This week has been a bit hectic as on friday it was my birthday. However I have been keeping up to date in my work and making sure I don't fall behind in my work. I have mainly been gathering research - for example on what font to use, animation techniques, background music. Also next week I will be planning on writing down a script and recording it, also using the Adobe Soundbooth to finalise it.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Had a Busy Week!

For all of this week i've finally chosen the font for my animation, as well as "begin construction" in my animation. My sketchbook work is important, since i constantly need to focus on where I am in this project. The next few posts will contain my research, and then i'll start taking pictures of sketchbook work and post them on this blog.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Bought a new sketchbook and put ideas to paper!

Today I bought an A3 Sketchpad from The Works. Today I've been designing images for my animation in Adobe CS3. For example i'm researching group idenity and national identity. So I've designed some examples of stereotypes and i will be putting this towards my project.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Just finished my project proposal form :)

After going through my proposal form with my tutor, I can commence with my research and start designing ideas for my animation, initial research is the first milestone, so now I need to concentrate on this and begin work.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Need to buy a Sketchpad...

After all the planning i've done, I finally need to go out and buy myself an A3 Sketchpad. Apart from that, i've been brainstorming ideas for my animation, for example, I've been comparing different fonts that are suitable. Also with the possibility of using audio, I've decided that background music may be suitable in my animation, as the animation wouldn't be effective otherwise. Many ideas to consider before I start developing ideas:

  • The ideas have to be UNIQUE.
  • The background colour has to go well with the font
  • Simplicity is good, however a unique idea requires more effort
  • The animation must last at least 2 minutes, as I will be covering a good part of the Cultural Identity word.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Putting Pen to Paper

This week I have been sketching out ideas for my animation, after gaining research about cultural identity, since this is the topic I have chosen. The word identity itself is such a big word since it has lots of meanings, so narrowing it down to just cultural identity will give me enough to talk about what it actually means and what it means to me.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

The new ideas commence

After a discussion with my tutor, I managed to gain a few more ideas. One of them which was focusing on the nationality prospect of the term identity, and the other which could be the sub-category of the term cultural identity. I'm enjoying this project so far, as it gives me the chance to broaden my ideas further and create a project up to a professional standard. I am currently deciding the title project at the moment, however I am almost certain the title will be: "Cultural Identity - Do you know what it means?".

Thursday 19 May 2011

Starting off my Extended Project

This week I have been researching ideas for my Extended Project. The word I am researching is 'identity'. I am still deciding what program to use to display my final idea, however I am most likely going to use Adobe After Effects as I like the idea of doing an animation.