
Saturday 25 June 2011

Bought a new sketchbook and put ideas to paper!

Today I bought an A3 Sketchpad from The Works. Today I've been designing images for my animation in Adobe CS3. For example i'm researching group idenity and national identity. So I've designed some examples of stereotypes and i will be putting this towards my project.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Just finished my project proposal form :)

After going through my proposal form with my tutor, I can commence with my research and start designing ideas for my animation, initial research is the first milestone, so now I need to concentrate on this and begin work.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Need to buy a Sketchpad...

After all the planning i've done, I finally need to go out and buy myself an A3 Sketchpad. Apart from that, i've been brainstorming ideas for my animation, for example, I've been comparing different fonts that are suitable. Also with the possibility of using audio, I've decided that background music may be suitable in my animation, as the animation wouldn't be effective otherwise. Many ideas to consider before I start developing ideas:

  • The ideas have to be UNIQUE.
  • The background colour has to go well with the font
  • Simplicity is good, however a unique idea requires more effort
  • The animation must last at least 2 minutes, as I will be covering a good part of the Cultural Identity word.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Putting Pen to Paper

This week I have been sketching out ideas for my animation, after gaining research about cultural identity, since this is the topic I have chosen. The word identity itself is such a big word since it has lots of meanings, so narrowing it down to just cultural identity will give me enough to talk about what it actually means and what it means to me.