
Sunday 31 July 2011

Another short post..

Once again with the week flying by, i thought i'd post that my sketchbook is nearly done with research, however i want as much research as possible, so i will fill it up more :)

Sunday 24 July 2011

Good week so far :)

This weeks post is only a short one to say my sketchbook is starting to fill up well :) I've started from sketching ideas for my animation, as well as definitons of the word identity and what they mean to me. It's all looking good so far.

Sunday 17 July 2011

FINAL bit of research (for now) :)

After struggling to find this video on youtube, I managed to get hold of it another way. Again this video answers many of the questions I need to get hold of the identity definition.

Even More Research :)

After trying to find a video on different views of identity from different backgrounds, I came across this video. The video was filmed in Norway and was answered by different races, I felt this was important to include this as it asks different races of their opinions of what identity means to them, the video also answers a few more parts of the identity definition, since the word identity itself has a lot of meanings. Also this video answers the questions I need for my animation.

More research :)

Here is another kinectic typography animation which is benefitial in my research. This animation is simple but it gets the message across. However if I ever produced an animation like this, I would need a considerable amount of information and choice in font, colours, animation effects etc. This animation helps me decide what effects to use from a simplistic view.

Research :)

Here is one of the many inspirations that I've enjoyed watching to gain ideas. Personally it would be very difficult to imitate this animation since it takes a lot of skill, however I have chosen this as research since I can show how effective animations can come across, in particular the effectiveness of combining animation with text and audio.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Had a Busy & Socialable Week

This week has been a bit hectic as on friday it was my birthday. However I have been keeping up to date in my work and making sure I don't fall behind in my work. I have mainly been gathering research - for example on what font to use, animation techniques, background music. Also next week I will be planning on writing down a script and recording it, also using the Adobe Soundbooth to finalise it.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Had a Busy Week!

For all of this week i've finally chosen the font for my animation, as well as "begin construction" in my animation. My sketchbook work is important, since i constantly need to focus on where I am in this project. The next few posts will contain my research, and then i'll start taking pictures of sketchbook work and post them on this blog.