
Sunday 28 August 2011

Another Weekly Blogpost...

this week i have been really busy and so i haven't had much time to do my animation, however I will make sure I get more done over next week.

Another Weekly Blogpost...

this week i have been really busy and so i haven't had much time to do my animation, however I will make sure I get more done over next week.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Finishing off my sketchook

Since time is not on my side, i've resorted to spending the evening cracking on with work, i'm aiming to finish MOST of my animation by this week, apart from that, things are going well. This project has taught me to not slack off and leave it all to the last minute, as I'm not going to let that happen.

Anyway, the next post is going to be a little more research, but tonight i'm mainly going to be printing off research, sticking it in and annotating.

Sunday 14 August 2011

A Little Bit Of Research...

After researching identity, I searched in 'national identity definition' in google images and it came up with this image. Even though it is nothing special, I felt it would be good to include this with my research since it has some revelance with my project.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Another Weekly Blogpost!

Since Time is slipping away, I have been cautious about my free time. So i've began finding more research, just to top it off. I have been experimenting with Adobe After Effects, as this is the required program needed for my animation. I will post some of my illustrations made at home or from college. Also I have been trying to find people willing to let me use their voice for my animation, as I have written my script and I require voices for my animation. Next week I will be working Monday-Friday, just to ensure I keep up to date with work, and stop any more stress :)